the dates of 03/10/2012 and 05/10/2012 Cisco,
Net App and SaoBacDau,
jointly organized 2 workshops "Workplace
of the Future"
(The work environment
of the future)
at the Sheraton Hotel Ho Chi Minh and Sheraton Hotel
Workshop in HCMC on 03/10/2012

Workshop in Ha Noi on 05/10/2012
Workshop on "Workplace of the future" not only introduces the advantages of PC virtualization, but also explains how solutions from Cisco and NetApp can directly solve the business process management business, and enable business transformation through the innovative information Technology (IT), gives businesses a competitive advantage to increase productivity. Virtualization technology has now matured and increasingly popular, many organizations realize that the transition to a centralized computer infrastructure virtualization is a strategic step that can help them control their computer system in the organization, control costs and establish a consistent user experience across a wide range of equipment used.
Mr. Doan Nguyen Lam senior expert from Cisco Virtualization Experience Infrastructure is built on a databasenetwork,
and Cisco’s collaboration architecture with the technology and support services from
other partners of the firm.
VXI creates a virtual workspace with a new experience for the end user,
is innovation,
and between computing infrastructure virtualization (VDI
- Virtual Desktop Infrastructure)
with Voice (Voice)
and Image Communication (video).
VXI enhances security,
application acceleration and optimization of the system and the cost of electricity. "
VXI solution is designed and implemented based on NetApp storage infrastructure. This type of storage system architecture operating system DataONTAP allows management and provides preventive mechanism through service management software and advanced virtualization. In addition, the system provides security mechanisms Secure Multi-tenancy - allows shared storage in a safe environment, architecture design modular, integrated virtualization and management capabilities. This makes storage of selected NetApp deployment in a cloud computing environment.
According to Mr. Le Hong Phong, Deputy General Director of SaoBacDau technologies corporation, "we are the only IT company in Vietnam to become Partners and deployment of integrated infrastructure solutions and applications based on cloud computing of Cisco (Cisco Cloud Builder Partner), with this advantage, SaoBacDau is committed to deploy to customers the same efficient and successful virtualization infrastructure solutions and leading cloud computing today”
images on exchange - discussion with experts from Cisco,
SaoBacDau in the workshop: