On March 26, 2021, Dak Lak Provincial People's Committee cooperated with Sao Bac Dau Technology Joint Stock Company to organize the Seminar on "Digital Transformation - An Inevitable Development Trend" in Buon Ma Thuot City - Dak Lak province. The event was attended by 450 guests who are leaders of the Ministry of Information and Communications; Representatives of leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, the People's Committee and departments of Dak Lak province; the People's Committees, departments and branches of 19 provinces and cities technology partners, enterprises inside and outside the province; central and local news agencies.

Overview of the event

Mr. Nguyen Tuan Ha - Standing Vice Chairman of Dak Lak Provincial People's Committee - Head of the Organization Committee of the Seminar made the opening speech

Mr. Nguyen Huy Dung - Deputy Minister of Information and Communications made a speech and address the direction at the Seminar
The Seminar consisted of 01 work session in the morning and 02 Symposiums in the afternoon with such contents as National digital transformation strategy and three specific problems for Dak Lak in 2021; Orientation on the digital transformation plan of Dak Lak province; Digital Transformation for Government; Digital Transformation for Enterprises and Solutions to Transform Social Relationships on Digital Platforms; Actual application of digital transformation in local businesses…. presented by speakers from the Ministry of Information and Communications, strategic IT consultants, technology experts from big technology firms and companies; representatives of local businesses of the province...

Mr. Nguyen Tuan Hoa - strategic IT consultant presented his argument on "Digital Transformation Approach and Digital Transformation Application Proposal in building digital government, urban management and environmental protection”

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thai Thanh - Director of Ban Me Green Farm Company Limited- Representative for the Company presents the reality of digital transformation application in local businesses

Talk: Simple and effective digital transformation at Symposium 1 (Mr. Tran Anh Tuan – Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sao Bac Dau (the 3rd person from the right is assigned to coordinate the seminar)

Talk: solutions to transform social relations on digital platforms at Symposium 2
The Seminar brought to the government, businesses inside and outside the province a new perspective on how to do digital transformation of Dak Lak; preeminent solutions bring practical efficiency to the government and businesses when applying technology to the process of production, operation, and service provision, towards economic, cultural and social development associated with with local strengths and potentials.
1. https://www.facebook.com/saobacdau/videos/3691560157621395
2. https://www.facebook.com/saobacdau/videos/259155569249261
3. https://www.facebook.com/saobacdau/videos/504048377269990
5. https://daklak.gov.vn/-/khai-mac-hoi-thao-chuyen-oi-so-xu-the-cua-su-phat-trien-
7. https://baophapluat.vn/dak-lak-truoc-nguong-cua-chuyen-doi-so-post386727.html
10. https://vtc.vn/chuyen-doi-so-la-co-hoi-vo-gia-trong-cach-mang-cong-nghiep-4-0-ar603203.html
13. http://khdt.daklak.gov.vn/khai-mac-hoi-thao-chuyen-doi-so-xu-the-cua-su-phat-trien-780.html
15. https://vietnamhoinhap.vn/article/chuyen-doi-so-xu-the-tat-yeu-cua-su-phat-trien---n-37281
18. https://baodansinh.vn/chuyen-doi-so-xu-huong-tat-yeu-cua-su-phat-trien-2021032616241527.htm
21. https://doanhnghiepcuocsong.vn/dak-lak-huong-den-muc-tieu-ve-chinh-quyen-so-a19011.html
23. https://taichinhdoisong.vn/Home/Details/8997e5cf-e14f-44d9-8df4-0bd498eb6318
25. https://www.nguoiduatin.vn/dak-lak-huong-den-muc-tieu-ve-chinh-quyen-so-a509678.html

Reception and exchange party after the Seminar

Reception party: is covered by the colors of the Highlands

Mr. Tran Anh Tuan - Chairman of the Board of Directors of SaoBacDau, representatives for the companion units shared his views and emotion at the exchange party

The exchange party: Together - We Prosper - Connect to Prosper