The Space for Creation and Digital Transformation is deployed by the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City in cooperation with Viettel Group of Industry and Telecommunications to welcome the eleventh Congress of the City Party Committee. Sao Bac Dau attended the exhibition area with 02 solutions: Truck Monitoring Solution and IoT Environmental Monitoring Station Solution.
Representatives of leaders of the city and Viettel Group have launched the ceremony of Creative Space and digital transformation experience in Ho Chi Minh City
With the participation of leading technology enterprises, the Creative Space and digital transformation experience in Ho Chi Minh City introduce people to great benefits from the application of technology products to construction of digital governments, smart city; creating a space for people to visit and experience digital products, digital government, smart cities ... thereby helping people get an overview of the digital transformation process and feel the public services, the interests of the people will be benefited in the future when the government promotes digital transformation in pushing Ho Chi Minh City to a smart city.

Overview of Creative Space and Digital Transformation in HCMC
At this Space, Sao Bac Dau offers visitors 02 Digital Transformation solutions and receives special attention, including:
Truck monitoring solution: With many outstanding features such as: Managing a huge number of devices, without limited geographic areas: Management by region and user decentralization; Stored according to Decree No. 10/2020: For all cases below 500km and above 500km; Cruise Management and Monitoring: Integrating with the vehicle journey monitoring GIS system; AI Artificial intelligence application: Warning of Driver status; Warning of vehicles in traffic.

Sao Bac Dau’s Engineers introduce Truck Monitoring Solution through demo devices
Solution of IoT environmental monitoring station: The environmental monitoring system is developed with an economical price, compactness and simple operation; Based on IoT technology (technology that connects things) and cloud computing technology; The monitoring indicators are flexibly changed according to the actual requirements of the installation location. The solution has many advantages such as: Operated under the provisions of the Circular No. 24/2017/TT-BTNMT dated September 1, 2017 and the Decree No. 40/2019/ND-CP of the Government; Compact monitoring device which is easy to install, move when needed; High quality sensors with simple operation, minimizing maintenance costs; Data storage/backup function, data preservation when power is lost.

Sao Bac Dau introduces the Solution of IoT Environment Monitoring at the event
The creative space and digital transformation experience in Ho Chi Minh City is one of the works to welcome the eleventh Congress of the City Party Committee. At the same time, this is also the foundation for the city to gradually form and develop Ho Chi Minh City Digital Transformation Center. With the motto of pioneering in accompanying businesses in digital transformation process, Sao Bac Dau is constantly improving and providing businesses with appropriate services in the new period.